How to Cure Soar Throat ? Try Home Remedies For Safe and Fast Result.
If you do follow below remedies consistently for 3-4 days, soar throat will be gone definitely. In most houses in India and Indian sub-continent, they usually follow the home remedies rather than going to see a doctor. And, these home remedies have been proved as medicine for a long time.
Step 1:
If you feel soar throat, then you should start salt water gargling immediately at morning after breakfast and after dinner before going to bed. Mix a half tea spoon of salt in a glass of medium hot water and gargle properly with minimum 15 sec per gargle. In this way, finish one glass.
Step 2:
The second thing you should do is making a drink. The drink should be taken every night after dinner. The process of making this drink is as below:
- One tea spoon turmeric powder.
- 1/4th tea spoon salt.
- Some ginger (around 1-2 grams is enough).
- Ajwian (Carom Seeds) - around 1/2 tea spoon.
- One glass water.
- Put a full one glass water in a pan and get it hot.
- Put ginger after crushing it.
- Put turmeric powder.
- Put salt as above.
- Put carom seeds.
After putting all the above ingredients, make it boiled for 1-2 minutes. Do not drink hot, you need to wait for some time till warm. Drink making this drink every day at night for at least 3 days. It gets down your soar throat, cough and cold, and even fever by cold.
Step 3:
The third thing you must follow during taking this home remedy is drinking warm water through out the day for 3-5 days. Follow strictly to get sooner result.
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