
Japanese Home Remedy to Boost Immune System

This home remedy can not be found in any other blog as nobody is noticing this daily routine of Japanese to fight with cold, cough or fever. This remedy is believed to boost immune system which fight against cold & flue. If you heard about influenza in Japan, most Japanese use this remedy to fight influenza. Influenza is common in Japan during winter. Ingredients: 1. Some chopped ginger pieces 2. Some chopped garlic pieces 3. Half piece of lemon How to prepare: Get one and half glass of water until it get boiled.  Add chopped ginger and garlic. Boiled it about 2 to 3 minutes Wait till get warm the drink. Squeeze half of Lemon and mix it well When to have it: You should have it 2 hours after dinner and 1 hour before bed at least. How frequently to have it: It needs to drink 3 to 5 days regularly when you have cold and cough. You can take it twice a week at normal health condition to boost immune system.  This home remedy is proved to be immune booster. In Japan, a lot of Japanese ar

How to Cure Soar Throat ? Try Home Remedies For Safe and Fast Result.

If you do follow below remedies consistently for 3-4 days, soar throat will be gone definitely. In most houses in India and Indian sub-continent, they usually follow the home remedies rather than going to see a doctor. And, these home remedies have been proved as medicine for a long time. Step 1: If you feel soar throat, then you should start salt water gargling immediately at morning after breakfast and after dinner before going to bed. Mix a half tea spoon of salt in a glass of medium hot water and gargle properly with minimum 15 sec per gargle. In this way, finish one glass. Step 2: The second thing you should do is making a drink. The drink should be taken every night after dinner. The process of making this drink is as below: Ingredients: One tea spoon turmeric powder. 1/4th tea spoon salt. Some ginger (around 1-2 grams is enough). Ajwian (Carom Seeds) - around 1/2 tea spoon. One glass water. Procedure: Put a full one glass water in a pan and get it hot. Put ginger after crushing

How to make white teeth? Treatment at home.

There have been using home remedy for treatment of different kinds of diseases in Asia. Here, you will find one of these treatment to make white teeth using materials available in our home easily and there is no single side effect even. Step 1: Take some ginger as required. Make it clean and make paste of it. Ginger Paste Step 2: Take some salt as required and mix with ginger paste firmly. Salt Step 3: Squeeze some lemon and mix it well with ginger paste. Lemon Step 4: Take some toothpaste as you required. (You can use your daily use toothpaste.) Toothpaste Mix well all the four ingredients and make paste like toothpaste. Now use your regular tooth brush and brush teeth slowly for 3 - 5 minutes twice a day after meal for one week. After using a week, you will find your teeth pearl white. Be sure there is no any side effect because this technique has been using as ayurvedic treatment for a long time in India and Indian sub-continent.